Global Classroom Project

Our collaboration with schools in Mexico and Egypt

What is the Global Classroom Project?

Elementary, middle, and high schools throughout Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) participate in the Global Classroom Project, which provides an opportunity for students to work with peers from around the world on authentic tasks and challenges. 

As part of the Global Classroom Project, schools select a Sustainable Development Goal from among 17 goals established by the United Nations as a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. 

Throughout the Global Classroom Project, students also learn attributes of Portrait of a Graduate, which prioritizes the development of skills that will empower FCPS students to be productive citizens of a global community and successful in the workforce of the future. 

Our School's Partnerships

Project 1

Pathway: Content, Algebra I

Partner Country:  Leaders International College, Cairo, Egypt  

Content Focus: Algebra 1 (final product may or may not be math-related) 

Sustainable Development Goal: To be determined by student choice n

FCPS Portrait of a Graduate Attributes: Communicator, Ethical and global citizen, Creative and critical thinker 

Partnership Description: With our partner classes in Cairo (about 40 students in Cairo and 27 here), students will research the problems and possible solutions related to each goal.  Solutions could be large scale (implemented by governments and NGO’s) or individual (implemented by citizens).  Small groups on each campus will research the topics they are interested in to determine problems and solutions.  In addition, each group will evaluate the extent to which each is a problem in their country and how the problems manifest themselves.  After sharing this insight in a Google meet call, students will return to their groups to brainstorm and research possible local (school-based) solutions to address their goal.  As a group, students from both classes will select the best solution that can be put into place in both locations. 

Project 2

Pathway: Content, Enrichments and Cultural Responsiveness 

Partner Country: Indo Americano School, Mexico  

Content Focus: US/VA History 11 (Honors and Team Taught) 

Sustainable Development Goal: Gender Equalities, Reduced Inequalities , Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions 

FCPS Portrait of a Graduate Attributes: Ethical Global Citizen 

Partnership Description:

Margaret von Kolnitz is a teacher at Hayfield Secondary School in Fairfax County, Virginia, USA.  Micheal Weakley is a teacher at Indo Americano School in Mexico.  Hayfield students are 11th graders from Northern Virginia (10 miles from DC).   

Hayfield Secondary is the most diverse school population of Fairfax County Public Schools.  Our students come from all over the country and the world.  Student ages are 15-18. 

The Indo Americano School is located outside of Mexico City in Estadio Mexico, which is home to over 12 million people. The area is called Tlalnepantla.   The class is called Global and is an English extension class that focuses on world and local issues surrounding culture, politics and social issues. All of our students are Mexican or Indigenous. We have three different levels in high school * different than the 4 in the US. Our students range in age from 14-18 years old.   

Students will utilize Google related platforms to collaborate and communicate. 

Project 1 Classroom Project Teacher

Project 2 Global Classroom Project Teacher