Attendance Reporting (HS)

Absence, late arrival, or early checkout

Attendance Reporting - High School

Report attendance using one of the methods below.

To Report a Full Day Absence:

When reporting a student's absence, please be specific about why your student will not attend school today.  

  • If reporting an ill student, include symptoms, especially if they have a fever, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, and/or cough. If your student has a diagnosis from a healthcare provider, please include that information.

To Report a Partial Day Absence (check in late, check out early, etc.):

  • If possible, at least one (1) day before the scheduled partial day absence, email the attendance office at
    • For early check outs, the student should arrive to the attendance office the morning of their scheduled check out to pick up a pass.  
    • For late arrivals, students should check into the attendance office upon arrival at school on the day of their scheduled late check in.
  • Call the Hayfield Attendance Office: 703-924-7419

When reporting a student's partial absence, please be specific about why your student will not attend school for part of the day.  


Email us with attendance questions for your high school student at sends email).

Looking to Report a 7th/8th Grade Absence?