AP (Advanced Placement) Program
AP Information Night, October 2023
Hayfield Advanced Placement (AP) Program Overview
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are considered college-level courses and have exams administered by the Educational Testing Service. Students who take AP classes are required to sit for these external exams and receive an additional quality point value added to the final passing grade.
The AP program is offered in English, Social Studies, Math, Science, World Languages, and Fine Arts. AP courses are open to all students committed to rigorous, academic, college-level work.
In addition to subject content, students will work on improving anyaltical reasoning and writing skills, study habits, and learning strategies. Hayfield also offers a summer institute for aspiring Honors and AP students to provide them with skills to assist them with the rigors of Honors and AP course work.
More information about the national AP Program as well as information related to specific courses can be found at AP Central (http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/Controller.jpf ) or by contacting the AP Coordinator.
If you have questions about course scheduling, please contact your child’s counselor at High School Student Services.
Descriptions of each course can be found by looking at Standard Course Offerings.
Counselors, as well as department chairs can assist in deciding whether a student should be placed in an honors course.