Electronic Books


Hayfield Subscription E-Books

Reference Books

ABC-Clio Icon

ABC-CLIO(link is external) electronic books focus on a variety of subjects

EBooks Icon

Thompson Gale Virtual Reference Library(link is external) contains reference and in-depth books on a variety of subjects.
General Subscription E-Books

Comics Plus Icon

Comics Plus(link is external) gives unlimited access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga from more than one hundred publishers.  ACCESS IS PROVIDED THROUGH MACKINVIA.  ONCE YOU HAVE LOGGED INTO MACKINVIA, CHOOSE "DATABASES" FROM THE MENU ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE PAGE, THEN CLICK ON COMICS PLUS.

Myon Myon(link is external) is an online collection of read-along enhanced digital versions of books.

Search for the school "Hayfield Secondary School" then login with you FCPS Google Credentials.

Public Domain E-Books

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