Middle School Course Selection/Academic Advising

Middle School Course Selections and Planning


Virtual Curriculum Fair

Welcome to our Virtual Curriculum Fair for the 2024-2025 school year. Please review the videos and materials below for details on our course offerings.  This information will be instrumental during academic advising and course selection in January, February and March.

***For the full listing of courses and descriptions, please access the Hayfield Course Catalogues and Course Selection Forms linked below.*** 

Career and Technical Education


English for Speakers of other Languages

Fine Arts

Health and PE


Algebra Readiness Initiative (ARI) (Semester Intervention Elective)

Mathematics 7

Mathematics 7 HN

Power Math 7 (Semester Intervention Elective)

Pre Algebra

Algebra 1

Algebra 1 HN

Math 180 (Year Long Intervention Elective)

Performing Arts

Beginning Band (Video coming soon.)

Intermediate Band (Video coming soon.)

Advanced Band (Video coming soon.)

Percussion Ensemb

Intermed Chorus

Advanced Chorus

Vocal Ensemble 

Begin Orchestra

Intermed Orchestra

Advanced Orchestra

Theatre Arts Appr

Adv Th Arts Appr

Tech Theatre Appr


Social Studies

Special Education

To enroll into the following courses, please contact your student’s IEP case manager or the Hayfield Special Education office at 703-924-7450.  Special education classes must be documented on your student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) prior to enrollment.

Adapted Phys Ed 

Reading 7

Reading 8

World Languages

Additional Resources