Safety and Security Policies

The primary purpose of the Hayfield Safety and Security staff is to promote the safety, security and welfare of the students, faculty, staff and visitors at our school. Additionally, it is our responsibility to help ensure the physical safety of our building and grounds as we work closely together with our entire school community. Our Safety and Security Staff is comprised of Security Specialist Brian McAndrew and Security Assistants Liyah Skenandore-Morgan, Steve Woodland, Mike Holland and Wayne Kersey. Fairfax County Police Officers Jessica Trainer and Amy Gee are assigned to Hayfield Secondary and on site at the school daily and attend specific post school day events.

Personal Property at School

Fairfax County Public Schools does not assume responsibility for personal property of students. Students and parents are urged to carefully consider the types and value of property that students take to school. Items of significant monetary value and/or sentimental value are strongly discouraged. Such items include but are not limited to cell phones, IPOD’S IPAD’s, expensive apparel and jewelry. With regard to items that are necessary to an instructional program that students bring to school, parents and students are reminded to secure those items at all times as there are limited storage areas that are secure. This is not intended to discourage bringing items to school that enhance instructional programs, however it is a reminder to alert students and parents to strongly consider what items are taken to school. Please remember that any and all property that is brought to school during the school day or for any extracurricular activity should be properly secured. Do not to leave any property unattended or unsecured.

Stolen Property on School Grounds

Stolen property can be reported to the School’s Security Staff in Room 1602 at which time a school report will be made and kept on file in the Security Office for one school year. The Security Staff will not be responsible for investigating any stolen item(s) left unattended, unsecured or that will disrupt the educational process. The School Security Staff will share information with the School Resource Officers/Fairfax County Police on all stolen property reports that may require police intervention. The School Resource Officers at Hayfield Secondary will determine cases that will require a Police Report and/or Police Investigation.

Lost and Found Property

Lost and/or found property should be reported to the School’s Security Department in Room 1602. Lost and found property reports will be kept on file in the security office for one year. All found clothing, books, backpacks etc. will be kept in the main office for one school quarter. All found articles of value such as electronics, cash, and jewelry will be kept in the Security Office for one school quarter. If you lose something, please check with Security, the Main Office or with a member of the Custodial Team.

Lockers and Locker Security

Lockers are the property of the Fairfax County Public School System. When used as designed, the lockers at Hayfield are very secure. Students should ensure that their assigned locker(s) is properly closed, latched and secured. A large amount of physical force and time is necessary in order to pry open a properly secured locker. Please remember that students should not share lockers and/or combinations. Students are also reminded not to overload lockers. Any damage to a locker should be reported to Security as soon as possible.

Staying After Normal School Hours

Students who choose to stay at school after normal school hours should be staying for academic and/or school activity related reasons. Students staying after school for academic reasons should be with a teacher by 3:15 PM and exit the building when finished. Students involved in extra-curricular activities after school should be with a coach and/or sponsor at all times after 2:20. The same policies will be practiced on late bus days. Our mission is to provide a safe, secure and quiet learning environment once school is dismissed.

Leaving School Grounds

Leaving school grounds during school hours without the permission of the student’s Principal is not permitted. Students are to remain inside the school building at all times unless accompanied by a faculty/staff member or after checking out through the Attendance Office.

Visitor Policy

All visitors during the school day must check in at the Visitor Kiosk in the main lobby or the Main office. All legitimate visitors are required to show a picture I.D. and sign in through our Visitor Management System . Visitors must wear their Visitor’s Pass at all times when in the building. Any and all visitors must have a valid reason to have access to the school. Former students, siblings, friends etc. will not be granted access to the school without the approval of the Principal or the Principal’s designee. Visitors will be required to check-out when exiting the school.

Deliveries to Students during the School Day

Hayfield Secondary is a large and very populated school. In an effort to minimize any disruption of the educational process during the school day and to more effectively monitor and control visitation, deliveries (i.e. lunches, money, property that was left at home etc.) are discouraged as we are not properly staffed and equipped to handle deliveries. If an emergency arises and a delivery needs to be made, please drop off the package, clearly labeled, at the Main Office.

The Safety and Security of our students, parents, faculty, staff, and visitors at Hayfield is paramount. We are looking forward to working together with you to make our school a safe and secure learning environment. Please feel free to contact us at any time by calling 703.924.4769 or via email Mike Holland at @email. Let’s have a great year!